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Webinar: Dispelling Myths about Employment for Individuals with Disabilities



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Webinar Description

This webinar focuses on common myths about employment for individuals with disabilities from the employer’s perspective. We will debunk common disability employment myths and explain the benefits of participating in inclusive employment practices. This webinar will be helpful for Utah employers to learn inclusive hiring practices and for employment specialists to gain perspective on educating employers in the community.

Emily Skadorwa - Brief Bio

Emily graduated from Washington State University with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology with a minor in Spanish in 2020. She is currently a Masters candidate at Utah State University for the Master of Rehabilitation Counseling program and she is set to graduate in 2025. She is the sibling of an individual with a disability. She has been working in Disability Policy for about 5 years and advocating for disability rights for her entire life. She recently moved to Utah from Seattle, Washington with her partner. 


Emily is the founder of a nonprofit disability advocacy initiative titled "The SEED Project: Setting Expectations of Equity for Disabilities". She is currently employed with the Institute for Disability Research, Policy and Practice as a Training/Development Specialist. In her current role, she participates in training for person-centered planning, HCBS Final Settings Rule, and supported employment services for individuals with disabilities. In the future, she intends to pursue a doctorate in disability disciplines with a focus on competitive integrated employment for everyone.

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