Workplace Supports Training

A Workplace Supports Training - St. George - February 2025


Spots remaining: 3

$50 Enroll

Full course description

This one-day training is designed for job coaches who actively provide support to individuals with disabilities receiving authorized services from the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation (USOR). Participants must currently deliver job coaching services or have the capacity to provide authorized USOR Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services. If you do not meet these requirements, you will be unable to complete the course. Please contact Cassandra Shaw for assistance in registering for a more appropriate course based on your needs.

The first two modules will be online-based and completed BEFORE the training.  You will receive instructions to access these modules from Hillary Hase, Workplace Supports Coordinator, after you have registered.  

The Workplace Supports Training for February 2025 will be held on:

Wednesday, February 19, 2025 from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM, at: 

Coral Cliffs Personnel Development Center, 2040 W 2000 N, St. George

When registering, use the participant's full name and email address.  The participant is not registered until they accept the course invitation sent to their email.  That email comes from:  USU Online Courses:  Participants may need to check their spam folder for this course invitation. 

Please send accommodation requests to at least 10 business days prior to the start date.

More information about the Workplace Supports Training is available at: Workplace Supports Training | CEI | USU